Because he is an executive, “understanding of diversity” is required!

In this issue, we will discuss how important diversity is, citing John Stuart Mill’s “On Liberty”.

Mill was a leading liberalist and politician for a short period of time. Mill’s achievements are marked by the vast body of work he wrote in the various fields of political philosophy, logic, and economics.
One passage from “On Liberty” reads as follows.

If his/her judgment is really reliable, how did he/she become so?
Because they have always accepted criticism of their opinions and actions with an open mind. I have made it a habit to listen to all opposing opinions, to accept what I think is right as much as possible, and to consider for myself where I am wrong, and if possible, to explain it to others.
I have always felt that the only way to fully understand a subject is to hear all the different opinions and to examine every point of view on a given view.
No wise man, in fact, has ever attained wisdom in any other way, and the nature of the intellect is such that men cannot be wise in any other way.

Mill’s motivation for writing the book was the reality that while democracy was spreading in 19th century England, public opinion as the majority opinion was oppressing individuals. He urged that minority opinions must be heard.

He focused on the reality that decisions based on the majority opinion greatly inhibited the individual freedom that people demanded. So, he asked, “How can we develop truly reliable judgment?” .
Mill’s answer was “respect for diversity.”

It is unclear to what extent the concept of diversity was understood at the time, but Mill may be considered a pioneer in bringing the importance of diversity to the public’s attention.

One of the key themes we want our clients to realize through our executive coaching is that of authority. Executives may think they are humble and want to be so, but the title of “authority” causes those around them to perceive them differently. In other words, it is normal to be “disciplined”. As a result, truthful information never comes out.
“Managers must be more humble than anyone else.” They must listen!” This is the truth.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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