What is required for a coach to be trusted by clients?

For coaching to function and fulfill its purpose, a sense of trust must be built between the coach and the client. While trust is the base of all relationships, there are certain conditions required of a coach to earn the client’s trust in coaching.

  1. Always demonstrate sincerity, honesty, and integrity as a human being.

This is easy to put into words, but it is not easy to achieve. However, a coach is a qualified professional who works with people, and a high level of character is required. Therefore, we must always ask ourselves, “Is he/she sincere? “Have I been honest? “Have I been sincere? and “Have I been sincere?

  1. Have a genuine interest in the client’s well-being and future.

The perspective of coaching is the future, not the past. Whatever the client’s present situation may be, we wish for the client’s happiness and work together to envision a future in which the client can achieve his or her goals. The strength of our interest is what drives our clients to take action.

  1. We keep our promises to our clients.

We dare to mention the obvious. However, we must approach this with the utmost care. Sometimes in dialogue, the client’s words may not feel like a request for a commitment. The coach mobilizes all five senses to ascertain what the client’s true intentions are. A sense of trust can be set back by a small breach of promise that goes unnoticed.

  1. Respect the client’s point of view, the way he or she learns, and the way he or she is as an individual.

Everyone has different values. The coach respects each client’s unique values. Coaching is about respecting the client as a human being, without judgment, and through this a relationship of trust is formed.

  1. Support the client in any situation and provide ongoing support.

Coaching usually lasts for several months. During this time, the client’s environment will change, and mental health will usually fluctuate. The coach supports the client at all times. The client’s experience of this ongoing relationship increases their trust in the coach, and the coaching becomes more effective.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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