Accumulating successful experiences is necessary. On the other hand, successful experiences narrow the horizon for other options and lead to conservative tendencies. If an organization refuses to change, it will eventually cease to function.
An organization is a collection of individuals. As individual leaders and followers become more dependent on the “existing structure and system,” the resilience of the organization will weaken in inverse proportion.
Therefore, in this issue, I would like to introduce a tick list to determine if you are an “existing system dependent” or not.
Checklist of existing systems and system dependencies
- I want to protect my area of work at all costs
- Cannot forget past glories and successes
- Does not see any prospects for the future
- Absolute trust in one’s own common sense
- Do not feel much interest in information about change
- Too busy to look back on themselves
- Can go through life without thinking about anything
- I am rarely moved
- I value logic
- I care more about not failing than succeeding
- I like to give feedback
- I like to criticize
- I tend to focus on the part rather than the whole
- I forget the whole and end up doing something else
- I often take measures that are out of line with my objectives
- I don’t think to draw a diagram of what is written
- I keep away from people who are negative towards me
- I usually view work as within my area of responsibility
- Respects current work practices
- I feel comfortable with orders, supervision, and procedures
- Does not have a clear picture of what they want to become through their work
- Are resistant to the word “change
- Have never had much doubt about work flow or methods
- Customer satisfaction does not ring a bell
※ 7 or more “yes” answers indicate a suspicion of existing system dependence.
※ If more than 12 “yes” answers, you suspect that “existing system dependency” has become chronic.
This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.