What is acceptance in coaching?

“Acceptance” is a commonly used word, but coaching takes a deeper look at “acceptance. The New Meikai Japanese Dictionary (Sanseido) says, “To accept and take in as one’s own. The biological definition of “receptor” is “a protein in a cell of an organism that exerts some effect on the cell upon receiving a specific stimulus, such as light or a chemical substance.

Humans are also living organisms, and this definition could be interpreted as “a specific action brought about by a specific stimulus,” but coaching receptivity is different. An analogy is the catcher’s mitt. Its role is to catch any ball and not allow it to go backwards.

The pitcher throws the ball to the client, and the coach with the mitt accepts whatever the client says. In addition, the coach, as the catcher, is sensitive to the pitcher’s body language, including his or her mental state during the sign exchange, and uses all five senses to grasp the condition of the client, the pitcher, at each moment.

In actual coaching, the coach needs to keep the following three things in mind.

Listen to the other person with a neutral mind, without any evaluation or judgment of his/her own.

Maintain a sense of stability and mental composure.

Always ask yourself whether you are self-centered, so that you can objectively understand your own personality and behavioral characteristics.

The starting point is to think, “I don’t know the person who is my client, and I may be missing a change of heart. Then, you must make a serious effort to “accept the client, “the other person’s entire being.

And the feeling that “I know the other person” leads to arrogance. With those colored glasses, we miss the subtle changes that are occurring in the other person’s heart. A true coach must have a sensitive and soft heart that is able to notice even the most subtle changes.

Acceptance does not equal agreement. People have different values. The value of the coach-client relationship lies in accepting this fact and creating a new relationship for the future without stopping there.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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