Let’s make a “self-management manual”!

Many people understand that the most important thing is to “know thyself first.” There are people who know their strengths, refine them, and use them positively in their relationships with others.
On the other hand, there are those who are trapped in an “inferiority complex” and cannot express themselves well.

Adler does not deny the complexes. He does not judge it, saying that it is “an internal problem of the self. Adler does not deny that complexes are internal problems of the self, and he does not judge them.
What Adler rejects is the “inferiority complex”. It is a phenomenon in which a sense of inferiority is expressed in attitude and behavior in an irascible way.

In Adler’s childhood, he was forced to have various feelings of inferiority (especially in physical aspects). Adler accepts and is aware of his inferiority complex. He looks at himself and makes a lot of effort. As a result, he became the” giant Adler”.

The “self-management manual” is to verbalize that “I am a person of 〇〇〇”. When others naturally accept this, and it comes back to you, you will be able to behave “as you are”. This is the first step in overcoming feelings of inferiority.
Here is a list of questions to look at yourself in order to achieve this.

What kind of person do I want to be, what kind of person do I want to be, and why?
What do I value, and how and why did I come to value it?
What values do I value the most, and what values do I have?
What talents do I have, what genius do I have?
Under what circumstances and under what conditions will my talents reach their maximum potential, and what do I need to do to fully utilize my genius?
What will I do, stop doing, or change to give myself the environment I need?
What are the things, if any, that are preventing your talents from blossoming, and what would be effective if those around you knew?”
What impact, if any, do you want to have on the world by making the most of who you are, and to whom do you want to use your strengths?”


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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