Questioning Skills – Questions that point to the facts

It is worth remembering that Hans Rosling’s “Factfulness,” published in 2019, was the bestseller of the year. Its tagline is “The habit of overcoming 10 assumptions and seeing the world correctly based on data.

The book reveals that many of the things we understand as “facts” are actually “assumptions. In the coaching skill of “questioning,” this is recognized as a “fact” and a genre of “questions that turn the viewpoint to the facts” is established.

Organize the facts.

When thoughts are vague or confused, it is easy to hold assumptions without an accurate grasp of the facts. Clarifying and organizing the situation in the client’s mind can help them become aware of their assumptions.
(Sample question.)
Can you tell us what happened?”

Confirm facts.

What the client thinks he or she understands may be an assumption or misunderstanding on the part of the client. It is important for the coach to be objective, take in the client’s words, distinguish between assumptions, feelings, and facts, and confirm them as you proceed.
(Sample question.)
What exactly happened that made you feel that way?”

Turn the perspective to affirmation.

People tend to focus on what they are not doing, and tend to forget what they are already doing or what they are already doing. The coach will help the client to identify what they are already doing and what they are already able to do, and encourage them to acknowledge what they are already doing and what they are already able to do.
(Sample question.)
What is it that you have been able to do since we started our session?”

Subdivide the point of view.

Using the chunking down skill, try to subdivide things into smaller pieces. For example, even if you have a big goal that seems very impossible to achieve, by subdividing the actions to achieve it, you will feel that it is feasible.
(Sample question.)
What can I start with first?”

Take a quantification perspective.

By quantifying, you will be able to perceive more clearly what was vague.
(Sample question)
If your ideal state is 100, how many is it now?”


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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