The fifth of the “Basic 10 Steps” of the coaching flow is “Confirm and understand the current situation.
Understanding the current situation means confirming and understanding the client’s “current state (status quo). By clarifying the gap between the client’s “desired state (goal)” and “current state (status quo),” measures to fill the gap can be found, which will lead to concrete actions.
If a client has a “certain goal” and has been trying to achieve it, but is feeling that the goal is not getting closer, a coaching coach can be by his/her side to find the cause of the problem.
This “understanding and confirmation of the current situation” also means exploring the “essential factors that cause the current situation to repeat itself. This is the stage in which we ask the right questions and encourage the client to become aware of the client’s own inner self, which he or she may have been avoiding.
- Effects of understanding the current situation
The client can know where he/she is in order to achieve his/her goals.
The client can get a bird’s eye view of the situation from an objective perspective.
You can eliminate assumptions and gain awareness.
You can identify and discover available resources.
You will be more motivated to achieve your goals and have a clearer picture of what you need to do.
- Specific methods for understanding the current situation
Ask them to express their current situation in figures.
(e.g., “If your ideal situation is 100%, what percentage is it now?”)
Relate the current situation to the goal.
(e.g., “What is the significance of your current efforts toward achieving your goals?
Encourage participants to look at the current situation from a different perspective.
(e.g., “How do you think your staff feels?”
Take stock of the client’s strengths and resources (connections, knowledge, experience, etc.).
(e.g., “If you could name anyone who could support you, who would it be?”)
Provide feedback on the client’s current situation.
(e.g., “To me, you look like a 00.”)
It is important that the current situation be done with the goal of eliciting the client’s awareness and resources. It is not intended to elicit information that the coach wants to know.
This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.