Profit is the reward for contributing to society!

Looking at companies from the side of society, we pay money to companies that serve society and make us happy as “compensation for making us happy”. The Japanese way of merchanting has long been based on the concept of “sampou yoshi,” which means “good for the seller, good for the buyer, and good for the world”.

Customers acquire better products and services in pursuit of a happier life. As a result, the company also increases sales, profits are generated, and people are happy. This means that “the company that makes people the happiest (happiness-creating company) will be the happiest”.

From another perspective, “management is to maximize the value of something and achieve the best results,” which is truly “management that brings life to life”. It is about maximizing the various values that a company possesses in accordance with the situation, thereby achieving a variety of results.

There are three types of results.

Financial value → profit

Happiness value → employee satisfaction, job satisfaction, and happiness

Moral value → Contribution to society by showing how much we have done for the benefit of others.

In order to achieve these excellent results, we need to “discover and demonstrate the existing value” within the company. The value within a company can be goodwill and brand, products and services, the manufacturing equipment and technology that produces them, or the motivation and abilities of employees. The corporate culture and climate created by the organizational group are also important corporate values.

These can be called the characteristics and strengths of the company. It is important to consider how to bring them together and how to utilize them as a contribution to society.

Management, in whatever form it takes, is always an activity that is related to society. The top management of course, but also all members of the organization, must be aware of this fact, have a strategic viewpoint, and develop tactics that are integrated with the strategy.

The core of this is found in the “truth of management” that “profit is the reward for contributing to society”.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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