Examples of coaching clients who want to improve their presence.

In an actual coaching session, the goal is set by the client. Client B tells the coach that her issue is that she has a weak presence. Both parties agree that this is the theme of the session, and the session begins with the goal to be achieved.

The coach imagines and solidifies a coaching strategy that is appropriate for the client, while keeping the “10 Basic Coaching Steps” in mind.
After two sessions, the coach realized that a session structure with an emphasis on “questions” would be effective in achieving the client’s desired goal, and the client understood this.
Toward the client’s vision of “ideal presence,” the coach asked the following questions.

In what ways do you sense weakness of presence in your own behavior?
Whose Presence are you reflecting on by seeing and feeling it?
What is it about Mr. C’s presence that you feel you would like to acquire?
What do you think made you want to behave that way?
You mentioned that you have trouble looking people in the eye, what is your background?
What kind of gaze do you imagine you could do?
What are the other aspects of your presence that you would like to emphasize?
When speaking in front of a large audience, how would you prefer to stand?
How would you choose to dress for a special occasion?
How would you describe your presence?
When you look at yourself, not others, what attitude do you consider to be your true self?
Do you feel like you are being watched or do you not care?
How would you like to walk around the office?
What kind of tone would you like to use when talking to people around you?
What is the impression you do not want to make?
If you were to give the performance of a lifetime and end it with great success, what kind of comments would you like to receive?

This list may give the impression of a rapid-fire process, but in fact it is not. The client thinks, and in some cases, a troubled silence may come. In that case, you watch calmly.

The client feels the coach’s waiting demeanor and expression. Coaching is a reciprocal relationship, watching and being watched.
The pleasant tension felt during the session, between each question, is also a wonderful part of coaching.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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