What is the “paradox of success”?

The key phrase for this issue is a striking phrase from the book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful,” written by world-renowned coach Marshall Goldsmith. 

Successful people give a positive interpretation to the following.

Past accomplishments

Ability to derive success

An optimistic belief that they will continue to be successful in the future

A sense that they are in control of their own destiny

Mix these together, shake well, and you have a cocktail that is on the verge of exploding in an attempt to resist change.
All four of these beliefs about success make change difficult. This is the “success paradox. The beliefs that got us “here” become obstacles to getting “there. Let’s take a closer look at each of the four beliefs that prevent us from changing our “proven” ways.

I’m not sure if this is a faithful Japanese translation of the original, but it draws me in. Through coaching many business executives, Marshall Goldsmith has discovered the laws of success, and failure. As the antonym of “failure is the mother of success,” he derives four “anti”-belief laws that induce failure, the latter being the “paradox of success.

Belief 1
Successful people are confident in their skills and abilities.

Belief 2
Successful people believe they have the ability to achieve what they want.

Belief 3
Successful people have an unwaveringly optimistic outlook.

Belief 4
Successful people believe that they are doing what they choose to do. This means that they have a strong desire to make their own decisions.

It is a law that is rich in implications.

(The above English translation is for a reference purpose only and a re-translation of the Japanese into English. Accordingly, please refer to the original text as appropriate.)


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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