What is “heart-based management”?

Mr. Kazuo Inamori teaches the importance of “management based on the heart”.
It is said that the miraculous turnaround of Japan Airlines is due to the fact that Mr. Inamori’s management and life philosophy permeated all employees and changed the way JAL employees think, feel, and act.

One of the great things about Inamori’s management philosophy is that his “success formula” for life shows us in simple terms how we can do a good job and even turn our destiny around.
That equation is “Life and work results = Mindset x Enthusiasm x Ability.

In his book, “The Kyocera Philosophy,” Inamori states

The outcome of life and work is determined by the multiplication of three elements: mindset, enthusiasm, and ability.
Therefore, a person who thinks he or she has only ordinary abilities and works harder than anyone else will achieve far better results than a person who puts his or her abilities to shame and neglects to work hard.
This depends on one’s way of thinking. The way of thinking is an attitude toward life, and it can range from minus one hundred points to plus one hundred points. Depending on how you think, the outcome of your life and work can change 180 degrees.
Therefore, along with ability and enthusiasm, it is most important to have the right way of thinking as a human being.

Mr. Inamori thoroughly discusses the “right way of thinking as a human being. This is because a company is the sum total of the consciousness of its employees, and managers are required to raise the level of their employees’ consciousness, in other words, their “way of thinking”.
In order to achieve this, Inamori explains that managers themselves must raise their own “thinking” to the level of a “philosophy” so that they can make sound decisions without wavering, no matter what kind of crisis may come their way. They are to speak this “philosophy” in their own words, and to spread it throughout the company.

When all employees resonate with the “philosophy” of the top management and want to learn from it, the “philosophy” of the organization will naturally increase.

The key to management is “management with the participation of all employees”. Management must clarify the purpose of management, share the vision with members, believe in employees, and exercise leadership for the happiness of employees….
Only when “the mentality of management and employees becomes the base,” can “management with the participation of all members” be realized.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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