What are “20 Bad Habits in Leadership”?

In “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful,” Marshall Goldsmith lists about 20 problems with interpersonal behavior, primarily leadership-related behavior, and unpacks each of them.
He identifies 20 habits as “bad habits” that do not occur when one person is alone, but come out when one person does something to another person.

The items alone are enough to understand the content of this simple expression. Let me enumerate them.

Extreme competitive spirit.

Trying to add something of value.

Makes judgments about right and wrong.

Makes hurtful and destructive comments.

Starts sentences with “no” and “but”.

Talks about how smart they are

Talks when angry.

Denies or says, “It’s not going to work”. Tells you why it won’t work.

Not giving information.

Not properly acknowledging others.

Taking credit where credit is due.

Making excuses.

Clinging to the past.

Preferential treatment.

Not expressing sorry.

Not listening to others.

Not expressing gratitude.

Taking it out on others.

Avoiding responsibility

Saying “I am like this” too much.

I am sure that there are not many (or only a few?) who feel that all of the above apply to them. But it does provide a great perspective from which to reflect on oneself.

Goldsmith tells us that “the best way to win people over is to cure them of this”. I understand that this is a 20 point of view that is rich in implications.

(The above English translation is for a reference purpose only and a re-translation of the Japanese into English. Accordingly, please refer to the original text as appropriate.)


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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