Peter Drucker has published various works on management. The highest level of management is controlled and realized by the manager.
Drucker wrote “The Condition of Management” and listed “Eight Habits” as the contents that managers should accept and implement. The book begins with words that remind us of servant leadership.
Let us quote from them as follows.
The Eight Habits.
You don’t have to be a leader in the recent sense of the word to achieve results. President Harry Truman had not an ounce of charisma. And yet he was one of the greatest presidents in history. Most of the CEOs (chief executive officers) I have met in my 65 years of consulting have not been so-called leader types. Their personalities, attitudes, values, strengths, and weaknesses were all very different. They ranged from extroverted to introverted, from soft-headed to hard-headed, from rough to detailed.
They achieved their results because they had made a habit of eight things.
- Think about what needs to be done
- Think about your organization
- Create an action plan
- Make decisions
- Communicate
- Focus on Opportunities
- Make Meetings Productive
- Think “we” not “I
They knew what they needed to know by the first two of these eight. By the next five, they achieved results. By the remaining one, they brought a sense of responsibility to everyone in the organization.
Drucker did not place much value on charisma, as it is commonly referred to.
(The above English translation is for a reference purpose only and a re-translation of the Japanese into English. Accordingly, please refer to the original text as appropriate.)
This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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