Approval skills – How to convey the “Acknowledge” message.

There are three main ways to convey messages to others.
These are “YOU(you) messages,” “I (me) messages,” and “WE (we) messages.

YOU (you) message

This is a method of communicating with the other person as the subject, such as “You are __.
This is a way of communicating directly to the recipient. On the other hand, it may be perceived as an evaluation of the communicator. Also, you need to be careful not to give the impression that you are “looking down on them”.
(e.g., “You work quickly” or “You are very polite in your work.

It is effective to show interest in the other person and to communicate changes in daily life.
(Examples: “You changed your hairstyle,” “You changed your glasses,” “Your tie today has a paisley pattern.

I (I) Message

I (I) messages, such as “I think I am __,” can be easily accepted by the other party without resistance.
(Example: “I was encouraged by your words.” “I sense from your expression that you may be worried about something.” “I saw your effort and thought I should work hard too.

WE message

You can specifically convey how you contributed to the organization or team, for example, “Thanks to you, we were able to successfully complete this project.

In general, “I-messages” and “WE-messages” are easier for the recipient to receive than “YOU-messages,” but it is important to use “YOU-messages,” “I-messages,” and “WE-messages” appropriately depending on the situation.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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