How can I improve myself as a professional coach?

In order to provide the best coaching to your clients, you must constantly be growing as a coach yourself. To do this, try to do the following

Go beyond your own boundaries.

We all have patterns of behavior that we unconsciously repeat without realizing it. By reflecting on our daily habits and habits and challenging ourselves to try new ways of doing things that we have never done before, we can find new ways of being in our lives and in our work.
If something isn’t working, try something different from the way you have always done it.

Take time to reflect on yourself

It is also helpful to have or set aside time to reflect on yourself alone. You may find it helpful to surrender to Zen meditation or other forms of meditation.
Self-insight can also be deepened through supervision by another professional coach. New insights will emerge and you will always be able to choose the desired course of action for yourself.

Learning from Everything

Coaching is a communication skill, so everything that happens around you is a source of learning. By thinking about familiar matters in a coaching way, you will grow not only as a professional coach, but also as a person.

Do not be overconfident in yourself

When practicing coaching, there will be many things that go wrong. When this happens, we recommend that you reevaluate what you are saying, doing, and behaving. By questioning your coaching once again, without justifying yourself, you can often find your issues.

However, coaching is not a magic wand!

Coaching is a wonderful thing. There is no doubt about this, but at the same time it is important to understand that it is not a “magic wand.
There are other support and professional occupations that involve people besides coaching. It is also important to choose the best and next best way to deal with the client, depending on the client’s environment and state of mind.
The essence of coaching is client-first in the truest sense of the word.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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