What are the different types of “Strokes” and what are the “Discounts” that fall outside of them?

“Strokes” can be divided into physical and psychological strokes, depending on whether the stimulus is physical or psychological. Strokes can also be classified into positive and negative strokes, depending on whether the content of the stroke has a positive or negative meaning to the recipient.

Greetings such as “Hello” or “Good morning,” or positive expressions such as “I like you” or “You are wonderful” are all positive strokes.

Conversely, negative strokes are those that make the recipient feel uncomfortable. These are words that hurt or anger the recipient, such as “I hate you,” “I don’t want to see your face,” or “Stay away from me or go away”.

In terms of facial expressions, the typical positive stroke is a smile, while a frown or angry expression indicates a negative stroke.

In other words, there are good strokes and bad strokes. We are nurtured or, in some cases, undermined by them. However, no matter how bad a stroke may be, a stroke is not ignoring the other person’s presence; it is also recognizing it.

“Discounts“ on the other hand, is an act of not recognizing the existence itself and deviating from the stroke.

ストロークの種類 肉体的ストローク 心理的ストローク


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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