Learning to coach begins with knowing your own communication skills.

Communication is frequently used in our daily lives, giving the impression that it is a Japaneseized version of the word. However, since the original word is English, we use it as if we “understand” it without having a precise definition.
Let’s first check the definition in the Kojien dictionary.

The transmission of perceptions, feelings, and thoughts between people in social life. It is mediated by language, writing, and other kinds of visual and auditory media.

When we think of communication, we think of verbal exchanges, but we understand that it is an exchange using various sensory organs.
Coaching also broadly views communication and organizes its skills into three categories: the ability to listen, the ability to express, and the ability to relate. In learning, you must first know which skills you are good at and which skills you need to develop in order to become a professional coach.

  1. Strong listening skills

This type of person tries to communicate with others based on a good understanding of the other person. This type of person is rarely the center of a conversation, but rather plays the role of a good listener. At first glance, this type of person often gives the impression of being quiet, and people tend to think that they are not good at self-expression. They tend to be thought of as “not very good at self-expression.
Because they do not actively talk about themselves, they may be perceived as difficult to approach at first, but as they get to know each other, their sincere communication will lead them to become more trustworthy.

  1. Highly expressive

This type of person has a high ability to talk about themselves and express their thoughts and feelings honestly. This type of person can quickly create a rapport with others, even when meeting for the first time. This is because self-disclosure makes it easier for the other person to open up.
On the other hand, however, this type of communication tends to be self-centered. In other words, they tend to spend more energy on appealing to themselves than on trying to understand the other person.

  1. Strong involvement

Communication can be divided into verbal communication and non-verbal communication (non-verbal communication).
The ability to relate is the ability to establish communication with others using non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions, distance from the person, position, and gestures. It is the ability to read the atmosphere of a place and understand what role you are expected to play there.
However, sometimes they are so disciplined in their relationships with others that they are unable to express their own opinions. They may become so focused on their relationship with their subordinates that they are unable to give guidance to their subordinates even when they should be giving them a scolding.

When learning coaching, it is important to know which of the three skills of listening, expressing, and relating you are good at and which you are not so good at.

Communication is a skill. Understanding which skills you need to improve and how to improve your overall skills will lead to building rich relationships.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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