Questioning skills – chunking down and chunking up

A chunk is a clump. Chunking down loosens chunks. Chunking up means creating chunks. Chunk up means to create a chunk.

What is chunking down?

The initial idea or image is often vague and abstract. If they are left as they are, it is difficult to translate the ideas and images into action. Therefore, it is necessary to break them down into smaller chunks so that they can be translated into concrete actions. That is chunking down.

Let’s say there is Ms. A who wishes to obtain a coaching certification. The reason behind this is that a respected senior employee of the company mentioned in the canteen that he had obtained a coaching certification and spoke enthusiastically about how it had clearly improved his performance in his work.
Let us assume a situation in which Ms. A was introduced to Coach B by the senior employee and received a “trial coaching” without any prior information about coaching.

Ms. A is in a situation where a vague chunk of information exists in her mind, “I want to get certified in coaching. In the coaching session, we share the theme of “getting certified.

“Then, let’s think together about how we can create a path to achieve the goal, which is to pass the exam,” says Coach B.
In other words, Ms. A has decided to “structure the chunk-down session so that he can concretely visualize the process of obtaining the certification.

The theme was a certification that Coach B himself had obtained, and he had actual experience of how he had passed the certification. Therefore, you might imagine his advice as “If you do this, you will pass the exam…”. In coaching, we basically do not do that.

What do you find great about coaching, Ms. A?
What changes do you think you will see in yourself once you have a coaching certification?
Coach B asks Ms. A questions such as, “What is coaching all about?

“What is coaching all about?” Ms A will realize that he will not be able to answer those two questions well if he does not know “what coaching is in the first place.

Coaching is not about “taking action based on what someone tells you to do,” but about the coach supporting the client to “think about solving problems one by one and take action autonomously” by becoming aware of the issues.
This is how chunking down is used in actual sessions.

What is a chunk up?

Another way to chunk up is to take fragments that are disparate and turn them into meaningful chunks. This can be linked to “prioritizing.

Ms. A begins to research various topics, such as “What is coaching?” and “What kind of learning method should I take to get certified? She also looks up information about coaching schools online.

After the free session, Ms. A decides to sign a continuing contract with Coach B.
During the third session, Coach B asks, “You have a variety of action plans in mind for what you want to do.
These are the questions that are intended to be chunked up.

Although the examples in this section are based on the assumption of a clear timeline, chunking down and chunking up can be done in a flexible manner depending on the client’s situation, and this is what makes them effective.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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