The ideal situation is one in which the client is willing and motivated to take action in order to achieve their goals and objectives, which is what they want to be. In coaching, the coach achieves this environment through a variety of interactions with the client. Here are some concrete ways to achieve this.
The coach elicits specific actions to achieve the client’s goals by asking questions.
(e.g., “So when do you want to start doing that?”)
Based on the client’s progress and efforts to date, the coach will provide feedback on positive things he/she feels.
(e.g., “You have been working very hard, and I am confident that you can do this.”)
Encourage and encourage the client by telling him or her that you are 100% on his or her side.
(e.g., “What you have been working on is also a great strength for the 〇〇 industry. I am also supporting you, so please keep up the good work.”)
Request (demand) action straightforwardly and clearly. This will instantly raise the client’s awareness of the action and motivate them to take it.
(e.g., “I am sure you can do it. Please do it.”)
Tell them in advance that you will ask them to promise to take action and to report back to you later on the results of their actions.
(e.g., “Please let me know at our next session how it went after you tried it.”)
The coach will request an action that seems one level above the client’s current situation, taking into account the possibility that the client may not be aware of it himself, and following his intuition.
(e.g., “Why don’t you try it in half that time? I’m sure you can do it.”)
Ask about the results of actions the client has committed to take in previous sessions.
(e.g., “What happened to the 00 you decided to do in the last session?”)
Acknowledge if actions have been taken and encourage the client to move on to the next action by continuing to motivate them.
(e.g., “You were able to do 00 as you promised. If you continue at this pace, step by step, you will surely reach your goal. I look forward to hearing your next good report.”)
On the other hand, if they are not taking action, after acknowledging their honest report, clarify “what was the obstacle” and encourage them to take the next action.
At this point, avoid asking “why” questions. If the question is, “Why couldn’t you do it?” gives the impression that you are asking a question. Instead of “why,” rephrase the question as “what.”
(e.g., “What do you think prevented you from taking action?”)
Tell them that you “acknowledge” whether they took action or not, and even if they did take action and did not achieve results, and ask and elicit what they learned or realized from the experience.
(e.g., “What do you think you learned from that experience?”)
In these ways, the coach encourages action and follow-up, but be careful not to overstress the client while encouraging tall tales and challenges.
It is the client’s responsibility to accept or reject what the coach requests. The coach does not impose it.
If the client does not take the action agreed upon with the coach, the client is encouraged to face that fact. However, as explained above, we do not use “why” in our questions. We also keep in mind the plan and goals set forth at the beginning of the coaching session, but make any necessary modifications based on the progress and direction of the coaching session.
This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.