The seventh of the “Basic 10 Steps” of the Coaching Flow is “Clarify and Decide on Actions!” is “Clarify and Decide on Actions!
The coach encourages the client to take “concrete actions” to achieve his or her goals. By asking questions, the coach elicits specific actions to be taken by the client and encourages the client to put those actions into action.
The images of specific actions elicited from within by the clients themselves are more likely to be spontaneous. People are less likely to be motivated by what others tell them to do, but they are more likely to be motivated by what they themselves decide to do or what they themselves say they will do.
The coach gives the client a light push to ensure that the clarified action does not become a “picture-perfect” plan.
Taking the first action is accompanied by anxiety. Taking the first step requires a great deal of energy from everyone. At such times, a word from the coach can encourage the client. The coach watches, encourages, and follows up to ensure that the client continues to take action.
Clients are not always successful in achieving their goals. Sometimes they lose motivation and want to quit, and other times they are tempted to stay with the status quo. The expected role of the coach is to provide the support necessary for the client to take action and keep taking action, on an ongoing basis, for the duration of the coaching engagement.
Each session is based on the basic 10 steps of coaching, but the weight of the 10 steps will naturally vary in repeated sessions throughout the term of the contract.
For the fourth step, “Ask questions and listen to what you want to be (goals),” if the contract is for six months, there will be two goals: the goal you want to achieve in six months, and the goal you want to achieve (or should achieve) by the next session, which will be confirmed at each session.
While it is important to capture both of these goals as a set, the coach is required to be flexible in responding to them based on the client’s situation at the time and the client’s wishes, while linking them to the fifth step, “Confirm the current situation,” and the sixth step, “Close the GAP (gap) between the goal and the current situation.
This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.