The Coaching Process – “10 Basic Coaching Steps”

Coaching sessions are typically 30-60 minutes per session and are ongoing over a period of several months. For the coaching flow and sessions, a coaching flow is shared that maximizes the effectiveness of coaching. This is embodied in the “10 Basic Coaching Steps.

However, since coaching is a collaborative process with each individual client, there will be times when things will develop differently from this flow, aside from mandatory items such as confidentiality notices. In other words, it is not that there are “10 basic steps,” but rather that many coaching sessions that have worked have been analyzed and the elements of the “10 basic steps” have been incorporated and developed according to the flow.

A good professional coach is a specialist who has the ability to incorporate these “basics,” work with unique clients, and develop sessions in a flexible manner.

  1. Setup

Creating “space,” building rapport, confidentiality, and icebreakers,

  1. Setting the theme

Basically, the client sets the theme himself/herself, focusing on whether or not it is a true theme,

  1. Define the goal of the session

It is important not to be vague,

  1. Ask questions and listen to the desired image (goal)

Ask for concrete images, set deadlines, create a sense of excitement,

  1. Confirm the current situation

Visualize the starting point, understand “what is missing” and “what is there,
Explore the “essential factors that cause the current situation to repeat itself,

  1. Fill in the GAP between goals and current status

Expand “ideas (options and possibilities),” and help participants realize that they are the cause,
Change “meaning making,” explore “resources (strengths, experiences, connections, etc.)
Modeling (people you admire, rivals, etc.)
Remove “constraints (time, money, people, skills, actions, location, etc.)
(Reflection & Summary)

  1. Clarify and decide “actions

Define priorities and let the clients decide on their own,
<Three elements of priorities
(1) In order of effectiveness or cost-effectiveness
(2) Difficulty (order of ease of implementation)
(3) Passion (motivation)

  1. Future pacing

By concretizing an image of the future and placing oneself in a state of goal achievement (clear imagination), one becomes able to act strategically, and to immerse oneself in the thrill of success,

  1. Commitment

Commitment to the coach, noting the small steps that are the heart of behavior change and are predicated on achievement,
Tell them to go through the action and report back to the coach… The coach responds to the report with approval,

  1. Reflection and appointment for next time

To ensure continuity and retention of the coaching, ask the client to talk about the results (or lack of results) at the end of the session, feedback from the coach to the client, next appointment,


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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