What are “contrast skills”?

Kojien defines “contrast” as follows.

  1. the act of comparing two things in comparison with each other.
  2. a phenomenon in which two opposing sensations or feelings are emphasized or accentuated when they appear in contact with each other in space or time.

By comparing two things, the difference between them is emphasized and highlighted, thus deepening and relativizing our understanding of the two things, as opposed to considering only one.

This is why it is often said, “You can’t expand your ideas if you keep them closed”. Coaching encourages the use of this “contrast” to broaden one’s perspective.

Let me give you an example of how we create “contrast” in a session.

Past and future
・What is the difference between your past accomplishments and the accomplishments you will be asked to achieve in the future?”
Future and Present
・What is the difference between what we want to be and what we are now?
Small and large
・What is the difference between an event for 100 people and an event for 3,000 people?
Regional and local
・What do you see when you compare Japan and other Asian countries in this regard?

In this way, we will create “contrasts.” Let us list the “contrast perspectives” of how to find them.

Existence (being/not being)
Change (do/do not)
Quantity (more/less)
Space (location, direction, height, size, center and periphery, inside and outside, whole and part, etc.)
Time (past, present, future)
Problem solving (priority, effectiveness, etc.)
Productivity (efficiency, speed, etc.)
Morality (right and wrong, truth and falsehood, etc.)

In executive coaching, these “contrastive skills” are utilized as requested by the client, and the session is outlined by incorporating appropriate examples.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
Coach Business Laboratory, Inc., which operates the Coaching Information Bureau, provides coaching training for companies, business coaching for business people, and life coaching for individuals. In addition, we operate a coaching school for those who want to learn coaching and hold seminars for executives and business leaders. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us for further information and consultation.

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