Approval skills – What are the “three types of approval“?

The basis of “acknowledgement” is to convey the message to the other person, “I am certainly aware that you are there.” It is an act of acknowledging the other person’s very presence.

The important thing in coaching is to create a sense of security for the other person. It is important to support and watch over the other person from behind as he or she tries to take on the challenge voluntarily.

The most effective way to convey the message that you are watching over them is to notice changes in them and communicate them to them. People are often unaware of their own changes and growth, and they may not notice changes until someone else points them out.

By giving specific examples such as, “The work you requested three months ago took quite a long time to complete, but now you are able to complete it in half that time,” the other person recognizes his or her own personal growth and a sense of self-efficacy that “I can do it too” increases. This will help them to be motivated to take on the next challenge.

There are three types of approval: presence approval, growth approval, and achievement approval.

Acknowledgement of presence is a coaching skill.

The essence of this is expressed by saying, “Thank you for being here. It is an acknowledgement of the person’s very existence. Calling someone by name, greeting them, asking for their opinion, or asking them to do a task fall into this category.

Growth recognition is another coaching skill.

It is the recognition of growth over an ongoing period of time, such as “Thank you for all your hard work.

Result recognition is basically not used in coaching.

The third type of “result recognition” is to acknowledge results, such as “Thank you for achieving your goals this month,” which is equivalent to so-called “praise.
Although “praise” can also be considered “recognition” in a broader sense, it is basically not used as a coaching skill. In other words, the coachee is evaluating the “results,” and if the “results are not accompanied” by “praise,” the coachee will not be approached, and this will be perceived as a negative evaluation. This is a different approach to approval than “growth approval,” which focuses on the person’s actions and processes.

What if you are always judged only by your performance and results?
Unless you produce results, you will feel insecure that “there is no place for you here. You will always look at the evaluator’s face and work to be evaluated by the evaluator. In other words, you may end up living a life that is convenient for others.

Professional coaches understand the subtleties of this situation and use the “approval” skill.


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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