Adler sees “Subjective inferiority” as a positive driving force.

Jews were a minority in the town of Rudolfshaus, a suburb of Vienna, where Adler, a Jew, grew up, and this discriminatory environment influenced the development of his character. In addition to this environment, numerous childhood illnesses left Adler physically inferior, with extremely poor eyesight and mental instability, but he found mental stability through intense study.

Adler completed his medical studies (specializing in ophthalmology) at the University of Vienna, and he began practicing medicine as a specialist. Adler then published his “Study of Organ Inferiority” in 1907.
This paper explained the basic biological mechanism by which “when a particular organ or organ is defective, another develops to compensate for it.

Adlerian psychology is based on a multifaceted explanation of the psychological function of compensating for inferiority. Three expressions, Objectiv inferiority, Subjective inferiority, and Inferiority complex, are used to clarify the difference between them.

Objective inferiority

It is when one is low in relation to the norm, for example, in height, weight, or athletic function.
Japanese language, the word “inferiority” alone is considered psychologically negative, but the translation is simply “low.
Adler says, that “inferiority is objective.

Subjective inferiority

is a subjective judgment. For example, if you feel that you are inferior because of your short stature, which is an Subjective.
Adler does not make judgments about this in and of itself. You may feel that way or not.

Inferiority Complex

The inferiority complex is not connected to compensation. It is a state of not making an effort to sublimate. It is an act and a statement of justification for not being able to do something.

Subjective inferiority, as a positive and strong motivator, can be a driving force to adapt to society. An inferiority complex, on the other hand, is prestige-oriented, not task-oriented; it is all about appearances, and the fear of shame and failure weakens freedom of choice and its power. Adler explains, “The inferiority complex is not task oriented, it is prestige oriented.
Coaching is about shifting our perspective to the future possibilities, which are infinite, rather than staying in the present. This is where I feel a strong affinity with Adler.

(The above English translation is for a reference purpose only and a re-translation of the Japanese into English. Accordingly, please refer to the original text as appropriate.)


This article was written in Japanese and converted into English using a translation tool. We hope you will forgive us for any inadequacies.
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